Ideal Work® – Italian systems and solutions for decorative floorings which provide unique and attractive finish made of quality materials by hands of professionals.
Founded in 1997, the company Ideal Work from Italy soon became the leading European company for flooring systems and all types of decorative floorings. Ideal Work introduced a lot of innovations on the market for decorative floorings and walls, such as the patent system SassoItalia, Microtapping, Venetian Terazzo or Lixio Microterazzo, Architop and other systems for renovation of the existing concrete slabs.
Ideal Work possesses ISO 9001 : 2008 Certificate.
Microtopping® is a perfect solution for those who want flat surfaces, natural and innovative in order to make the space more unique. It is ideal for modern minimalistic spaces.
It is possible to apply more designs and effects by using different applying methods, coloring or acids in order to achieve the wanted surface.
Microtopping® is meant for those who strive for comprehensive surface, because it provides applying interiors and exteriors without grouts.
Thanks to its extraordinary characteristics, Microtapping is not only ideal for flooring but also for vertical surfaces and can be applied to masory walls, stairs, gypsum board and for finishing of bath tubs and shower cabins.

Within only 3 mm thickness, with Microtooping you can renew the existing concrete, ceramic and other surfaces without replacing them. Microtapping has excellent resistance and flexibility, it is quick and easy for applying, maintaining and cleaning. Its high performances are:
- Perfect performance even on light floorings. Excellent adhesive features and highly resistant to external intensive traffic
- provide good protection from water penetration and defrosting salt
- provides excellent UV protection and extraordinary resistance to climate changes
- Excellent heat conduction and does not reveal substances when temperature rises within the floor heating systems. This way it preserves the good air quality.
Intersection of Microtopping flooring
2 basic layers + 2 finishing layers
А. Base preparation
B. Application of primer
1. Application in2 layers of Microtopping BC
2. Polishing and cleaning of dry surface
3. Applying first layer of Microtopping FC
4. Polishing and cleaning of dry surface
5. Second application of Microtopping FC
6. Polishing and cleaning of dry surface
7. Applying of Ideal PU WB

Intersection of Microtopping vertical decoration
А. Base preparation
B. Application of Primer R-R
1. Application of one layer of Microtopping BC
2. Application of Microtopping HP
3. Application of Microtopping FC
4. Protected treatment with Ideal PU78
Unique and excellent appearance. Acid Stain® is the right solution for flooring surface designed and applied based on the final demands of the client.
These flooring are made of specific acids based on metal salts that penetrate the concrete and change the color in order to create unique and long-lasting effects.
Reactive stains that don’t result in film, but chemically alter the concrete color creating lasting, different or transparent effects, nuances very similar to natural stone.
Concrete floorings lose their simple appearance and become much more natural and more beautiful.
- Acid Stain® colors are long lasting and highly wear-out-resistant to concrete surfaces covered with acrylic colors or resin that can be worn out, broken or removed.
- Due to chemical reaction with concrete, the Ideal Work acids become part from the surface. They do not fade or wear out, they are crack-resistant, and have the resistant level as the concrete panels themselves.

Intersection of Acid Stain flooring
- Support preparation
- Application Ideal Stain
- Cleaning
- Application of Ideal Hard
- Application of Petrotex-s
Sasso Italia® is a flooring with excellent visual effect which can be applied very quickly. By using Sasso Italia® you can create geometry forms, colors and specific matching as well as combinations with other materials such as marble aggregates, bricks or natural stones – all depending on your creativity.
This flooring has only 3 mm decorative layer. That’s why it is ultimately flexible and appropriate for renewing of existing floorings. In such cases the application of IDEAL BOND is necessary in order to conjoin the new concrete with the existing concrete coat.
It is perfect for public squares, walking zones and terraces. Traffic does not harm these floorings which compression resistance is connected with the thickness of the concrete base.

The surface of Sasso Italia® can be treated with special protective coatings for dust and water protection in order to provide long lasting beauty. In cold climate environment depending on the frost / defrost cycles or in touch with sea water, special coatings should be applied which are resistant to extreme conditions. Such treatments of the surface are applied after finishing of the flooring. These floorings do not require special maintenance. On a daily basis throughout the years they can be cleaned only with water like every other concrete surface, yet maintaining its original characteristics that stay unaltered as time passes.
Intersection of SASSO ITALIA Flooring
А. Preparation of surface
- Application of primer Ideal Bond
- Preparation of SASSO ITALIA mixture
- Shining
- Appling the surface deactivator
- Cleaning
- Protective treatment (optional)

Nuvolato Architop® is perfect, esthetically highly acceptable product for creating high quality and resistant surfaces of concrete base. It can be applied manually by using grinders or machine buffers. With maximum thickness of 3-4 mm, the effect consists of continuative surface without expansive grout, brutal and modern, created with strong powerful materials such as cement. Perfect solution for modern minimalistic homes, industrial styles, public and commercial buildings, showrooms. Variety of 30 colors depending on the space usage can be processed on 3 different manners such as smooth processing, brush processing and sponge processing for outdoors surfaces.
Suitable for indoors and outdoors, it can be applied on every flooring even in presence of floor heating. Ideal for renovation of existing concrete, ceramic, marble fllors with no need of deconstructing the old surface.
Due to its high resistance and glue capacity, it is appropriate for renewing of large industrial and commercial floorings. It guarantees excellent resistance to chemical and atmospheric influences, abrasion, cracking and icing for outdoor usage.
Nuvolato Architop® prodives detailed finish that can be appointed to the designer.

- Preparation of support
- Application with magic shovel of Colour Hardener + Architop Catalyst mixture – first layer
- Application of Colour Hardener + Architop Catalyst mixture – second layer mixture
- Processing with power trowel
- Cleaning
- Applying resin

Lixio® is synonym for renewal of the great Italian tradition for venetian floorings. The emblem of classicism, elegancy and refine have its roots in Venice in the times of renaissance.
- Today thanks to IDEAL WORK the venetian terrazzo returns with modern innovative decorative covering
- 5-6 mm thickness are required in order to create an original continuative application of tiles, consisting cement base and high quality Italian marble chips which can be mixed in different combinations of colors and finishing layers.
- Lixio® is also used for reproduction of ancient artistic hand skills – the once upon a time exclusive tradition of venetian craftsmen.
The classic soul of Lixio® perfectly fits with in the modern design and the historical and traditional settings for discreet and welcome luxury.
Lixio can be applied indoors as well as outdoors ( resistant to UV rays and to extreme weather conditions), with shining finishing processing, slip-proof and ideal for residential and commercial buildings, hotels, museums and public buildings.
Thanks to the different colored mixtures and wide range of available marble chips, Lixio® provide endless variety of colors.
Lixio® floorings are extremely resistant to abrasion due to frequent traffic and require minimal maintenance.

А. Preparation of surface
- Application of epoxy layer and quartz
- Application Lixio
- Shining
- Abrasion
- Filling
- Polishing
- Protective exposing